Catch the Vision

Principal: Dr. Stephanie Lock

Catch the Vision

Principal: Dr. Stephanie Lock

Student Handbook


Centennial High School serves two purposes for the Poudre School District:

  • to assist students to develop the life skills necessary to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, and to achieve success in an educational setting.
  • to provide an alternative educational setting for students to complete the  requirements for their high school diploma.

Vision Statement                         

Catch the Vison of a High School Diploma: See It, Believe It, Live It, Earn It.  

Our Belief

We believe that students hold the power over their lives, and we hold them responsible and accountable for their choices in a safe and supportive environment. 

Our Focus

We identify individual areas for student growth and guide students to use their skills to be successful. 

School Culture

  • Norms for acceptable behavior are taught, reinforced, and expected by all members of the community
  • Everyone is treated with dignity and respect
  • We value integrity in our actions
  • We expect quality in our work
  • Positive mental attitude is paramount
  • All members of the community are responsible for their actions
  • We are accountable for our choices
  • Direct communication means that we talk eye to eye
  • We do what we say we will do
  • We have responsibility to voice our concerns and problem solve


In the spring of 1976, the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges accredited the Adult School Program of Poudre School District as Centennial Adult High School. In the fall of 1979, the Alternative Learning Center, which had been a program in the district since 1976, became incorporated into Centennial Adult High School - the DAY PROGRAM. In 1989, the North Central Association recognized Centennial High School as a fully accredited OPTIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, serving the students residing in the Poudre School District.


The staff of Centennial High School believes that every human being is worthy of dignity and respect.  We seek to guide every student to accept responsibility for their individual actions and to teach each student to critically evaluate his/her own life goals.  Emphasis is placed on teaching students how to learn so they are able to function in society as self-reliant, self-supporting, contributing individuals.

Centennial High School strives to facilitate a smooth transition for students from senior high school into the world of work and continued learning by meeting established academic standards and developing a positive attitude toward life and their potential for success.

Enrollment Requirements

Centennial is open to students between the ages of 15-21.

Attend a required Centennial High School orientation.

Complete necessary forms, secure a letter of recommendation, provide a letter of adult commitment/support, complete MAPS tests and attend any additional required meetings with a counselor.

Attendance Philosophy

Centennial High School serves the district as its alternative high school.  As long as students follow school policies, they are guaranteed enrollment at their home high school.  However, students may choose to enroll at Centennial any time in order to earn a high school diploma.  Students are not guaranteed a place at Centennial High School unless they follow school norms and pledge card expectations, and demonstrate a positive mental attitude and a commitment to learning and earning a high school diploma.

One criteria of a student's success in school is regular, punctual attendance.  The full benefit of the educational program may be derived only from maximum participation in class activities.  Therefore, absence from school may result in a loss of experiences, which cannot be replaced by make-up work.  No single factor may interfere with the student's progress more quickly than frequent tardiness and absence.  Because of this, and since the basic responsibility of the student is to fulfill the requirements of the course in which he/she is enrolled, excessive absences may result in a lower grade or failure.  More than two absences will also result in loss of credit, or referral to the principal.

Zero Period Policy

The intent of Zero Period is to provide support time for students who are not producing at an acceptable (passing) level.  Zero Period is every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 - 3:00.

This policy is based on Centennial’s guiding principles:  P for Produce, Choice Theory, Quality Work; provides “why” Zero Period is scheduled; provides clarity by means of communicating to students their academic progress; student accountability through scheduling shared time; all students have time and support needed for success (Glasser) as well as responsibility for choices regarding their achievement.

6 P’s (Standard Norms at CHS)

A Centennial High School student:

PMA              has a Positive Mental Attitude.

Prompt          makes a commitment to be on time.

Polite            will demonstrate consideration for others.

Produce         meets all expectations in every class.

Participate    is expected to join in and share experiences.

Prepared       needs to be ready to learn when the bell rings.

Closed Campus

Centennial High School is a closed campus throughout the day, including the lunch hour.  Students who leave campus without permission will be marked absent for the remainder of the day.  Student visitors are discouraged from coming on campus during school hours and visitors must be approved by administration in advance of visit. Students may receive permission to leave campus at lunchtime through the Rights and Responsibility Application approved by the principal.

Student Driver Policy

Many Centennial class activities require off campus participation.  Students must have a Travel Waiver form on file, including a copy of vehicle registration, insurance and driver’s license in order to drive to any school activity.  Centennial must be notified of any changes.

Guidance and Counseling Program

The guidance and counseling program is the role of ALL staff members.  Centennial students receive instruction, support, and professional services from a staff that has a genuine interest in providing for their needs.  Centennial students additionally receive all the guidance and counseling services that are available to students at the comprehensive schools:  college placement, testing, career counseling, personal and group counseling, and referral for special services.

Advantages of Attending Centennial High School

A culture focused on learning and success

Smaller classes

The Roads Scholar Experiential Education Program

Opportunities for personal, group, and vocational counseling

Clearly defined expectations for student behavior

Less formal atmosphere

The Discovery Program

Health Care Services

Peer Mediation - peers trained in conflict resolution

Closed campus

No smoking campus/smoking cessation classes

Building Trades Program

Supplemental Lunch Program

Elective week activities

Equine Science Program

Independent studies

Curriculum Requirements

State Standards—Poudre School District Requirements

Repeating Classes:  Students may not earn credit for any class they have already passed at Centennial High School.

Extra Credit:  Additional credit may be earned if students exceed course requirements.  Centennial High School will require all students to earn 220 credit hours (or 240 credit hours for the Class of 2015) to receive a diploma and meet district and building standards.

Grading:  Students will receive grades and credits based on performance and days present at Centennial.  Work that does not meet minimum expectations of at least a “C” will be marked “U” for unsatisfactory and they will receive no credit for the class.

Alcohol/Drugs and Tobacco

Students will be asked to sign a pledge card, which states that they are expected to be clean and sober on campus and exhibit no side effects of previous intoxication or substance use.

If more than one staff member believes there is a probable cause, students must submit to drug assessment.

Conferences may be held to determine nature and extent of problem.

Private or group counseling and other intervention may be required.

Students using tobacco products on campus may be issued a ticket by the Fort Collins Police Department.

Gang Policy

Any gangs, gang related colors/symbols, signs or gestures that are intimidating and/or disrespect the individual or the culture will not be tolerated at Centennial High School.

Fight/Violence Policy

There is zero tolerance for physical altercation at CHS.  Any student who strikes, hits, or pushes another student will be dropped from CHS.  Appeals Process:  Violation of the fight/violence policy results in termination of a student’s enrollment at CHS.  Within 3 days of the violation a student may appeal in writing to re-enter CHS.  The appeals committee of two staff members and one administrator will be selected to serve for one year.  The findings of the committee and their recommendations will be final.

Dress Code

CHS maintains the right to ask students to change clothing that may interrupt, be offensive, or show a lack of respect for the culture.

Cellular Phone/Pager Policy

Students may not use cellular phones in class.  Students may have cell phones in their possession as long as they do not interrupt classroom instruction.


The City of Fort Collins and the Poudre School District do not permit smoking on any campus.  Students may receive a police citation for smoking on campus.

Code of Conduct

The code of Conduct JICDA, will be distributed in accordance with Poudre School District procedures.  It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the contents.

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.