Welcome Parents of Centennial High School Students!
We hope you find the information on the new website useful. It is organized so that most links can be found with one or two clicks. We tried to keep the website clean and clear and simple, yet informative. You are welcome to provide us feedback through email about the website or other thoughts about Centennial; you can email the principal, Dr. Stephanie Lock at slock@psdschools.org
Centennial is different from other high schools by design. The foundations of the school are established to provide a welcoming community for the students where all are treated with dignity and respect. The culture of the school is one that has high expectations and high levels of support. We teach the students to accept feedback, accept the consequences for their choices, and take responsibility for their success. This is “on them” as we say. Parents are encouraged to continue to ask how things are going in their life in and out of school and can often back up from the constant prodding by “handing it to their young adult student”. This idea is constantly reinforced at Centennial, we are here to guide, teach, support, yet not do the work for them. The transformation and growth we witness daily is awesome.
Being a small school there is not much need for parent volunteering. Look here occasionally throughout the year as there are some parent meetings to look over the data and improvement plans.
We are a four-day week school as approved by PSD the Colorado Department of Education, and the only four-day week high school in Ft Collins. We do not have school on most Mondays, and you will see by the calendars there are nine Mondays throughout the year that we have a full school day. We were a little short on hours for the year so adding those Mondays made up for time lost. Tuesday – Friday are long days 8:00-3:50. Wednesday's are early release days or zero period days. To see exact schedule times please go to the bell schedule page -- https://chs.psdschools.org/about-us/bell-schedule Mondays allow for the large number of students that work to find more hours on weekends. Focusing on schoolwork for four days versus five is a big advantage especially when engaging is hard in the first place.
If you are a veteran Centennial parent welcome back, if you are wondering about the school as an option or your young adult student, you can call 970-488-4940.
School Breakfast and Lunch - This site will allow you to access the menus, meal prices, and payment for meals.
ParentVue - This account will allow you to see information regarding your student's classes and school information.
SchoolPay - This account will allow you to pay for school activities and lunches online. To learn more about SchoolPay and how you can use it, click here.